AI meets aviation training: New models and innovations at EATS 2024


The well-attended opening Day 2 event should set aside any doubts that the broad commercial aviation training enterprise is doing anything less than deliberately and widely embracing AI and data as learning enablers.

To manage expectations, this is a work in progress – AI will be incrementally and deliberately integrated into training activities through the next several years. At the same time, learning organizations are on a path to optimize the increasingly huge amounts of data being generated, processed and gleaned to enhance safety and training. 

S&T industry members have opportunities be support efforts to expand these two enablers in training continua.

I had the pleasure of attending the Rick Adams-moderated event featuring Captain Stéphan Labrucherie, Head of Flight Training Worldwide, Airbus & Thomas Bessiere, CEO, HINFACT, Scott Nutter, Principle/Owner, Touch & Go Solutions and Andy O’Shea, CEO, Airline Pilot Club. Diverse, knowledgeable speakers with common themes that were attention getters.

Labrucherie placed down a vital marker from the OEM level by outlining the Airbus Digital Bridge SMS Training Roadmap through 2028. Some key takeaways: the OEM equates safety and training; CBTA/EBT remain an underpinning as does data; and Airbus is making use of AI to help provide nothing less than a new generation training management system.

On cue, Airbus partner Bessiere offered another of many emerging opportunities for the broader simulation and training community when he noted the need for more robust software to connect vital program components.

Scott Nutter introduced the community to his D4D (Data for Decision-making) framework, also referred to as the “flywheel.” As one would expect of this industry veteran, his new model is focused on providing outcomes including closing the performance gap, addressing safety and training, and optimizing data usage.

I loved Nutter’s “alphabet soup” slide – noting the D4D model cuts across training systems, be it CBTA, EBT, AQP. He offered, “Data doesn’t care what training system you use.” Nor do safety or other underpinnings. At the end of the day, D4D is for any framework. Nutter closed out promising more information on D4D will be soon released.

Andy O’Shea and his team at Airline Pilot Club are also pushing the envelope to expand AI in learning throughout the pilot’s career. The community veteran and subject matter expert put checks in several important community “problem blocks.” APC is being proactive to respond to modern “kinks” in the 2024- and near-term industry by conceptualizing how to train Generation Z and their younger siblings for demanding community positions.

O’Shea remains a proponent for advocating continuous safety and equating it with training, and advancing the EBT/CBTA framework. 

The APC solution to advance learning: Amelia. I was pleased to obtain additional insights on Amelia in a recent article. 

We’ll be watching Amelia’s maturation and expansion in the community.